Nursing home abuse and neglect and how to spot it

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Nursing home abuse and neglect and how to spot it

It is not uncommon for individuals in California and elsewhere to worry about their aging loved ones. Maybe it is a parent or a grandparent, and family members are no longer able to help care for them. In these moments, a difficult decision must be made, and that is whether to have them live in a nursing home or not.

While it may not be easy to do, many nursing homes provide a safe environment for their residents to live. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. This makes it imperative for individuals to understand how to spot nursing home negligence and abuse.

Understanding elder abuse

In simple terms, elder abuse refers to any act that harms an older adult. This harm can range greatly and take on many forms. In many cases, this is physical, emotional, mental or financial abuse. It can also include neglect and abandonment. While this could occur by the hands of loved ones and caregivers, this post will focus on the abuse that occurs at nursing homes.

Spotting nursing home neglect and abuse

With regards to abuse, it could cause one to be suspicious if the caretakers at the nursing home require an advance notice before a visit or do not want you to be alone with the resident. Other signs to watch for include bruises, scrapes, fractures, signs of restraints, broken glasses, lost or damaged phones, change in emotions, anxiety, withdrawal, silence and lad tests indicating that a resident is getting too much or too little of their prescribed medications.

When it comes to negligence, these can sometimes be more challenging to spot. Some signs include a chronic health condition worsening, unexplained weight loss, dehydration, bed sores, lack of nutritious food, too hot or too cold living environment, smell of urine or feces in the living environment, unkept appearance, long fingernails or toenails, unwashed clothing or bedding and needed equipment not where it should be.

Discovering that a loved one is being subjected to negligence or abuse at a nursing home is a devastating and emotional situation. One may not fully understand how to respond to this unfortunate uncovering or what options are available. As such, it is important that one explores their legal rights and options when it comes to holding a negligent party accountable and recover compensation for the harms suffered.