Though you may not think about it, you use hundreds of products on a daily basis. From your morning hygiene routine to your car and computer, you constantly interact with consumer goods. When one of these products poses dangers, it can result in severe injuries for the user. Unfortunately, many impacted by defective products are unsure how to proceed in these instances. If seeking compensation for the injuries you’ve faced from a defective product, a Sacramento product liability lawyer can help you recover damages. Keep reading to learn more about what makes a consumer product unsafe and what entities can face liability.
What Makes a Product Dangerous?
When you purchase a product from a store or online seller, you expect that it is safe for use. As such, it can be a complete shock to discover a flaw with the item that makes it unsafe. Generally, any product with hidden dangers despite being used correctly or that does not provide adequate warning about how to use the item is deemed defective.
For example, if you purchase a hair dryer that catches on fire when it’s on the highest setting despite following all safety instructions, this product would be defective. This is because there’s an issue with the design or manufacturing of the product that does not allow it to safely achieve this setting.
However, some products have an inherent safety risk. If you cut yourself with a knife because it slipped on the vegetable you were chopping, this would not constitute a defective product because there was nothing wrong with the actual knife.
Can I Sue a Retailer for Selling Defective Products?
When you are injured by a defective product, understanding who can face responsibility is critical. Generally, the product designer or manufacturer can face liability if there is a flaw in their processes. However, a retailer can also be held responsible. Though they didn’t make the product, as a seller, it is ultimately their responsibility to ensure something they put on their shelves is safe for use.
Additionally, if there is a recalled product and the item is not removed from shelves, the retailer can face liability as they must ensure no unsafe goods are on the shelves, especially if they received proper warnings about the dangers and orders to cease sales. On a similar note, they must also update their online listings to prevent sales from going through.
If you have suffered injuries because of a defective product, it’s necessary to understand that though it’s broken, you should not throw out the product. Holding on to this can provide the necessary evidence to support your injury claim. If hurt, you should seek medical attention for the injuries you’ve endured.
Finally, you’ll want to connect with an experienced personal injury attorney to help you through these complex matters. Many companies have legal teams to minimize their losses, so ensuring you obtain legal representation to fight these entities for the funds you deserve is critical. At the Law Offices of Dale R. Gomes, we understand how challenging these circumstances can be. As such, we will do everything possible to assist you. Contact us today to learn more.