When you are involved in an accident, you may quickly assess yourself before jumping into action. At the scene, you’ll chat with police, talk to witnesses, and take photos and videos of the scene. However, hours or even days after you return home, any minor discomfort you may feel can grow worse with time. As such, it’s imperative to see a doctor immediately after an accident occurs. The following blog explores this in further detail, along with why it’s critical to connect with a Sacramento auto accident lawyer as soon as possible to improve the chance of recovering a positive outcome for your claim.
If I Feel Fine, Why Do I Need to See a Doctor?
In the immediate aftermath of a car accident, you may feel okay. This is due to your body releasing adrenaline, or the hormone responsible for your fight or flight response. Essentially, the threat of danger can cause your body to release this hormone as a way for you to respond. So, when you are involved in a car accident, your body will release adrenaline, which can allow you to exchange insurance, talk to the police, and take photos without feeling pain, even if you sustained an injury.
As such, it’s imperative to understand that as the adrenaline rush wears off, you may begin to feel worse. In some cases, your injuries may worsen over time or may not immediately present themselves with painful symptoms.
It’s in your best interest to request emergency medical technicians to the scene of the accident to examine you, as they may see signs of a serious injury, which can help ensure you receive treatment to prevent it from becoming worse. Even if you feel okay or don’t want to get checked by the EMTs, you should still go to your primary care physician as soon as possible. Your doctor can conduct further testing to ensure you are physically okay. If you do have any injuries, they can begin treating them quickly.
Can Delayed Medical Care Impact Claim?
If you do not seek medical treatment after a collision, it’s important to understand that it could impact the outcome of your claim. You may find that if you do not seek treatment, the negligent party can claim this as negligence. They may say that since you didn’t obtain treatment, you failed to mitigate damages. As such, you may be found partially negligent, which can impact how much compensation you recover.
As you can see, delaying medical care can not only impact your health and well-being, but it can also affect your right to compensation. That’s why it’s imperative to connect with an experienced attorney from the Law Offices of Dale R. Gomes. We believe you shouldn’t bear the burden of another person’s negligence. Connect with us today to learn more about how we can fight for you.