Can I Sue a Nursing Home for Wrongful Death in California?

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Can I Sue a Nursing Home for Wrongful Death in California?

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When you have an older relative in your care, you may have to make the difficult decision to seek additional care for them. Placing a loved one in a nursing home or other care facility requires a considerable amount of trust in the workers and facility. As such, finding out your loved one has died in the care of the staff can be devastating. It’s important to understand how a wrongful death lawsuit should proceed if you have reason to believe negligence leads to the death of your relative. The following blog explores what you should know about these matters and why obtaining the representation of a Sacramento wrongful death lawyer is critical during these difficult times.

What Can Lead to Wrongful Death?

Unfortunately, many people pass away while at a nursing home. However, you’ll find that while some are the result of natural causes and old age, some are caused by negligence. While all deaths are upsetting, discovering your loved one wrongfully died because of the abuse and negligence they suffered can be devastating.

The following list is some of the common reasons that a wrongful death lawsuit can be filed against a nursing home:

  • Medication errors
  • Bed sores
  • Physical abuse
  • Delayed medical treatment
  • Neglect that worsens existing conditions
  • Unsafe conditions that lead to slips and falls
  • Failing to meet basic needs like nutrition and hydration

Who Can File a Lawsuit on the Victim’s Behalf?

Bringing a lawsuit against the nursing home for the wrongful death of your loved one can be incredibly upsetting and hard to navigate. As such, it’s important to understand what you can expect during this process.

Generally, you’ll find that only certain individuals can file a nursing home lawsuit on behalf of another person. In California, only the spouse or partner of the victim, their children, or legal heirs can pursue a wrongful death lawsuit against a nursing home.

If you file a lawsuit, you’ll need to seek damages for the death. This can include the cost of their medical bills before passing for the injuries caused in the facility, funeral expenses, and the loss of companionship of the deceased to their family.

Filing a wrongful death lawsuit is an incredibly complicated and overwhelming process, especially when you’re still mourning the loss of your loved one. As such, it’s imperative to connect with an experienced attorney as soon as possible.

At the Law Offices of Dale R. Gomes, our dedicated legal team understands the pain of losing a loved one at the hands of another person. That’s why we are committed to fighting on your behalf. When you need help, we’re here to represent you. Connect with us today to learn how we can guide you during these complicated matters to help you fight on behalf of your loved one.